MS 2008 GPO

Group Policy Object 

GPO is an Active Directory Object that allows you to administer and control what users can do on a Computer via settings.We can create a Group Policy Objects easily ,but then we have to LINK it to the appropriate Container(OU)

Single GPO can be Linked to multiple container and can be reused.GPO is mainly is tied to users & computer.GPO are applied to Domains,Sites and OU not to GROUPS

LINK: Is a AD object that allows a GPO to affect a particular Container.

GPO Order :
First Local Computer Policy
Second Site Policy
Thrid Domain Policy
Fourth OU policy

Group Policy Filtering :
Security Filtering : Using Security Permissions on a Group Policy Object to dertermine which users
or Groups in an OU get affected by its settings.
Enforce: A property of GPO that breaks through Block Inheritance and overrides any other conflicting GPO's.

GPO Terms :

Enforce :A setting on a Group Policy Link that breaks through Block Inheritance and overrides any confilcting polices

Loopback Processing - A Group Policy setting that forces the application on a GPO regradless of who is logged in to a Computer.Loopback can be  set to Merge or Replace setting on user configuration when there is conflict.

Group Policy Preferences :Settings in a Group Policy Object that expands Group policy's ability to map drives for users,place files on managed client machines



.MSI packges can only be deployed through GPO .
.exe files need to be repackaged  to .MSI for installing.