MS commands

Scripts to Add Multiple users at once:

dsadd user "cn=%1,ou=childou,ou=parentou,dc=yourdomain,dc=yoursuffix" -fn %2 -ln %3 -pwd pass@word -mustchpwd yes

Activity  2008 License :
slmgr /ato
slmgr /dlv
slmgr /dli

slmgr -dli (this will display the current activation/licensing info of the pc your on)
slmgr -ipk xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (allows you to replace the current product key with the specified)
slmgr -xpr (shows expiration date of current license)
slmgr -upk (uninstalls current product key and i would assume puts license back to trial state)
slmgr -ato (activates current pc’s license)
slmgr -skms activationservername
slmgr -skms port
slmgr -skms activationservername:port (sets KMS server used for activation and/or port, ie slmgr -skms or slmgr -skms KMSServer:8090)
slmgr -rearm (resets the licensing status of the machine)
slmgr -ckms (clears the name of KMS server used to default and port to default)